camper information
Camp Shiloh is a life-changing week full of memorable and defining moments. Every child who gets to attend is an investment in eternity.
Registration Cost: $400
Early Bird Registration Cost: $375
*register by 5/31 to be eligible for the discount
Junior Camp: Ages 8-13
*7-year-olds may attend if accompanied
by a parent counselor
Senior Camp: Ages 13-19
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A typical day in the life of a camper
Each camper is put on a team tribe: Judah or Gideon.
Throughout the week, their cabin will be competing against another cabin of the same age range that is on the opposite team. You earn points for your tribe by doing skits at muster (our gatherings before meals), memorizing scriptures, cabin inspections, winning the competition sporting events, cheering at and winning the main events.
To ensure all campers are safe all week long, they are with their counselor and cabin at all times and we use the buddy system for short trips to the restroom or nurse, as well as when swimming, so no one is ever alone.
Each day will follow the same general schedule to include Breakfast, Skills Class (options include swimming, boating, crafts, painting, archery, music, & more), Morning Chapel, Cabin Devotions, Lunch, Competition Sports, Canteen (for drinks, snacks, & hangout time), Swim/Boat/Rest Time, Dinner, the Main Event, Canteen, and Evening Chapel.
what to pack?
We’ve spent decades creating the perfect packing list and is this it? Maybe. We work hard to make sure you’re fully prepared for the week no matter the weather, so please keep rain, heat, and activities in mind as you’re getting your go-bag ready. Camp Shiloh runs from Sunday afternoon to Friday afternoon and below is a packing list to get you started!
Keep in mind while packing it can be a bit cool in the morning and evenings since Camp Shiloh is situated on a lake. Yet the day usually heats up quiiiiiite nice. Pack summer clothes, but also have some apparel to keep you warm. Spaghetti strap shirts, short shorts, see-through or revealing clothing are not allowed. Keep chest, belly, and rear covered up!
Suggested Items (some more suggested than others 😎)
-Jeans/Pants (some nights get cold! Buns must be covered in leggings)
-Shorts (must be fingertip-length)
-Sneakers/Shoes (It's a rocky walk to the waterfront, so pack shoes for it!)
-Rain Jacket
-Swim Shirt (guys & girls must wear a t-shirt over swimsuits, and no, it may not be white 💁🏻♀️)
-Sweatshirt / Jacket
-Mesh / Plastic Bag for Dirty Clothes (no washing facilities)
-Shower Flip Flops
-Shower Caddy
-Towels (shower towel & swim towel)
-Toiletries Travel Bag or Caddy (to carry to the showerhouse)
-Bug Spray
-Feminine Care Items
-Hair Items (hot tools, products, bobby pins, hair ties)
-Stain Remover
-Medications (all will be turned into and administered by the camp nurse - NO medication including over-the-counter Is permitted in cabins or cars)
We have chapel twice a day, please bring:
-Tissue #IYKYK
Evenings do tend to get chilly and longer pants or closed-toed shoes can help for that and to avoid evening bugbites.
A canvas bag or small backpack can be helpful to carry everything back and forth.
Cabins hold 4 sets of wooden bunk beds, each has a mattress on it, please bring bedding to go on top.
-Pillow-Extra Light Blanket
-Sleeping Bag or Bedding (it does get cold at night and having a thicker sleeping bag or blanket helps with the mattress situation)
-Fitted Sheet (to cover the mattress)
The days will include group competitions, making up skits, and decorating cabins.
-Reusable Water Bottle
-Snacks/Drinks (canteen will be available to purchase snacks and drinks twice a day aside from meals, but you are welcome to bring non-perishable snacks if desired)
-Gum/Cough Drops
-Fan (air conditioning devices are not permitted)
-Art Supplies
-Skit Props (a wig, costume, face paint, crazy hats, bandanas, etc)
-Cabin Decoration Props (streamers, decor, paper, glue, etc)
-Cash for Canteen (you may bring money for Canteen at registration, but cash is not permitted past then - on average a camper may spend between $10-$20 for the week, but up to your discretion.)
-Campers may not keep money with them during camp week. We don't want it lost or stolen. If they have money with them at registration, we have a “camp bank” they can hold it in.
-Junior Camp Only dresses up for “Wacky Wednesday” - most campers bring something “crazy” to wear or use with their cabin for that theme. It is not mandatory, but most campers do participate.
*All personal items should have initials marked on the item somewhere. Camp Shiloh holds lost items for 30 days and then donates them to a local charity.
Camp Shiloh is a non-denominational ministry affiliated with Elim Christian Fellowship.
Campers are assigned a cabin along with 5-6 other campers. If you’d like to request someone as a cabinmate, there is a section on the registration form to do so. It is not mandatory, but if you request a roommate, it must be one name and the other camper must be within one year of your age.
*Directors do their best to honor roommate requests, but we cannot 100% guarantee
You can pay your balance online at any time with a credit card (VISA or MC). Final payment is due by opening day of Camp Shiloh at our on-site camp registration.
Each camper must pass a swim test in order to swim in the deep end of the waterfront, to go tubing, or out on the boat. The swim test is given on the day of arrival or at first availability on Monday. There is also a shallow end of the lake you may stay in without passing the test. There is a full waterfront staff at Delta Lake and we follow their lifeguards’ guidelines while at the water.
-Using language or gestures that is profane, sexual, vulgar or abusive.
-Engaging in any willful act which disrupts the normal operation of the camp.
-Trespassing; entering other cabins or buildings at Delta Lake without permission from camp staff.
-Stealing the property of other campers or staff.
-Intentionally damaging or destroying the personal property of a camper, camp staff, or Delta Lake.
-Willfully reporting false information.
-Indecent exposure. (Exposure to sight of the private parts of the body in a sexual or indecent manner.)
-Inappropriate physical contact.
-Committing an act of violence (such as hitting, kicking, punching, and scratching) upon another camper or camp staff.
-Bullying. Engaging in harassing conduct, verbal threats, intimidation, or abuse that reasonably causes a camper or staff to fear for his or her physical well-being.
-Use of electronics
-Failing to comply with the directions of counselor or camp staff.
-Drugs and alcohol.
-Entering or hanging around the living areas of the opposite sex.
There are no cell phones, tablets, or iPods at camp. Do not bring them, or please leave them with a parent/guardian at registration. Otherwise, phones must be turned in to the director at registration and given back at the end of camp. If a phone is found on a camper, it will be immediately turned in to the director.
If a camper needs to contact their parent for an emergency, they can let the director know and they will make arrangements.
Each morning, there are “skills classes” or activities available to participate in.
Senior Campers will choose theirs each morning.
Junior Campers select their skill classes ahead of time when they register online. You will be prompted to choose a skill class for Tues/Wed and Thurs/Fri after you select Jr. Camp, then simply add it to your cart.
Here’s how it works: you buy your canteen card at online registration or at the day of registration (increments of $5 or $10). You can also put money in the “camp bank” to get another card during the week or have one already paid for and stored in the “camp bank” for when needed.
Canteen is available twice a day and has things like: candy bars, chips, water, Gatorade, ice cream, popsicles, candy, gum & more! Canteen cards are not refundable, but can be cashed in for snack items at the close of camp.
The Shiloh staff does their best to post a picture on Camp Shiloh’s social platforms every day, but please keep in mind that we have a lot to manage at camp. Your child’s safety and well-being are of the upmost priority. Camp days are jam-packed, and internet service is not great. Keep up with us by following the Camp Shiloh socials, but please keep in mind that there is no guarantee of seeing a picture of your child.
After camp, all pictures taken by our camp photographer will be uploaded to a platform that supports image sharing and downloading. A link on our Camp Shiloh social platforms will be shared to give campers & parents access to the pictures.
If you are picking your child up before the scheduled Friday afternoon pick-up time (3:00 PM), a note needs to be left with the Director at Registration. Please do your best to avoid this.